Майнкрафт: Pocket Edition 1.11.0

В новой версии игры Minecraft создатели доработали поведение жителей деревни во время рейда. Как только жители слышат звук колокольни, который сигнализирует о начале рейда — они начинают прятаться в свои жилища.
Новое в игровом мире Майнкрафт
Новая функция автоматической синхронизации вашего текущего скина из набора между различными устройствами
Обладая эффектом Герой Деревни вы будете получать скидки на товары от жителей
Дроп у мародеров
Во время начала рейда его горн будет слышен всеми игроками в текущем мире
Экран специальных возможностей (преобразование текста в речь для чата, Enable UI Screen Reader)
Изменения в игровом процессе Майнкрафт
Изменить алгоритма генерации, что отразится на старых сидах, некоторые объекты могут сменить свое местоположение
Бродячий Торговец теперь готов с вами торговать без экспериментального режима
Обновлены названия профессий жителей
Обновили зомби-жителей
Улучшен поиск путей жителей и железных големов
Новая панель опыта при торговле с жителями
Жители теперь будут пополнять свои товары сразу же по прибытию к месту работы
Жители разбегаются по домама во время рейдов и торговля становится недоступной
Бродячие Торговцы не восполняют свои товары и будут "исчезать" после продажи всех товаров
Карты можно заблокировать с помощью стеклянных панелей на столе картографа
- Заблокированные карты не обновляются для отражения исследованных областей или изменений в мире
- Неизведанные области останутся неисследованными
- Заблокированные карты не могут быть расширены, но могут быть скопированы
Доступные версии для скачивания:
-minecraft.v. - официальная версия (не требует наличия лицензии)
-minecraft.v. - разблокированы все платные скины и текстуры (не требует наличия лицензии)
-minecraft.v. - версия для процессоров intel (не требует наличия лицензии)
New Features:
Added more Pillager Raid features:
Players can now trigger a raid when entering a village with the Bad Omen effect
Players receive the Bad Omen mob effect when killing an Illager captain
Raid states are Saved and Loaded between sessions
Ravagers are sometimes ridden by Illagers when spawning in a raid
Raids now use the "dweller component" to track raiders, even when they are unloaded
Pillagers, Vindicators, Witches, and Ravagers spawned from a raid will move toward their village dictated from the dweller component
Added "following" behaviour to Pillager Patrols
Added final artwork for banners to Pillager Outposts
Added new "/mobevent" command to enable or disable events such as Raids
Added Raid Boss Bar UI
This is just a placeholder for now, and will be changed in a future update
The following features are no longer behind the Experimental Gameplay toggle:
Fletching Table
Smithing table
Pillager Outposts
New Villages, Villagers, and Zombie Villagers
Sweet Berries
Various changes to the way cats spawn in villages:
Cats now respawn based on number of beds in the village
The number of cats = 1/4 the number of beds
Cat total caps at 10 cats per village
Updated the Hero of the Village and Bad Omen effect artwork
Grindstone blast resistance now matches the stone slab (MCPE-42293)
Wandering Trader Llamas can no longer be bred
Wandering Trader Llamas cannot spawn as baby variants
Wandering Traders now drink an Invisibility Potion to escape hostile mobs
Wandering Traders now hide when struck by projectiles and magic attacks
Villagers now heal when they wake up in the morning
Wandering Trader Llamas now spit at mobs that are hostile to their owner
Player damage will trigger llama aggro, but will not cause the trader to hide
Hoppers can now be used to fill and empty composters
Splash potions of water can now be used to douse campfires
Fixed the *Цензура* that would occur when launching the game on Windows 10 (MCPE-42317)
Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
Using pick block on a nether portal no longer causes the game to *Цензура* (MCPE-41735)
Giving the player a cobblestone wall variant no longer crashes the game (MCPE-41657)
Fixed a *Цензура* that could occur when signing in or out of Xbox Live on Xbox One
Fixed a *Цензура* that could occur when resuming gameplay while connected to a server
Fixed a *Цензура* that could sometimes occur when trampling on Pumpkin and Melon stems
Fixed several crashes on Android when suspending and resuming the game
Players on Xbox are no longer prompted to sign in to Xbox Live if they have already done so
Players can no longer suffocate in the ground while spawning into the world (MCPE-42310)
Players can once again travel through End gateway portals without suffocating and no longer encounter world loading issues (MCPE-41533, MCPE-40538)
Berry bushes are prickly again (MCPE-41277, MCPE-42407)
Smooth stone can now be smelted again (MCPE-42331)
Smelting smooth stone now gives the player XP (MCPE-41551)
Fixed Villages not registering beds that have slabs and stairs above them
Players using VR Controllers no longer fly after swimming (MCPE-39833)
Silk touch tools now work correctly right up to their very last use (MCPE-41789)
Fix for pillager and vindicator captains not giving Bad Omen upon *Цензура* (MCPE-42330)
World Generation
More Village generation fixes:
Lower Ladder Blocks are no longer missing in structures
Basements no longer have broken structures and redundant dirt blocks inside
Fixed Igloo-like houses that would sometimes not generate correctly
Floors no longer have missing blocks
Animal pens no longer allow animals to escape
Villagers will now use available job sites indoors when it rains
Raiders no longer get stuck when trying to path find to a village
Illager captains spawned in outposts no longer leave due to patrolling behavior
The Wandering Trader now holds trade interest items the right way up!
Mobs now rotate correctly after exiting boats (MCPE-41341)
Drowned mobs converted from a Zombie now *Цензура* Players
Villagers no longer get stuck on Lanterns
Coral plants and sea grass now break when a supporting block is removed
Armor Stands and Grindstones are now craftable again (MCPE-42350)
Smooth and Chiselled Quartz blocks no longer have directional placement (MCPE-39074)
Fixed a rendering issue on the Bell texture
Wandering Traders no longer have two right feet
User Interface
Items can now be split properly in the inventory and crafting grid (MCPE-42313)
The keyboard no longer obscures text entry when writing in a book on Xbox One
New Features:
When choosing a skin from a skin pack, the selected skin will now roam between Bedrock devices using the same account
Players now receive a discount from villager trades while they have the Hero of the Village effect
Added loot dropped by pillagers and vindicators during a raid
When a raid starts, a horn is heard by every player in the dimension, coming from the direction of the raid spawn point
Added a screen for Accessibility in Settings
Text to Speech can be enabled for chat
UI Screen Reader can be enabled to say the name of controls and their current state
Note on World Generation: In order to deliver the coolest generated villages possible, some world seeds may have villages generate in different areas than they used to before this update
Wandering Trader is no longer behind the Experimental Gameplay toggle
Completely revamped Villager trades for each profession
Increased the radii for job site blocks so villagers get to them more often and are less angry
Zombie Villagers now update to new Zombie Villagers when not part of template worlds
How to Play has been updated with helpful Village & Pillage knowledge
Improvements to villager and iron golem pathing
Increased the amount of scaffolding that can be placed out from its initial support
Added an experience bar to the new villager trading screen
Villagers will now resupply their trades when arriving at their job site
Villagers now hide in houses during raids and when bells are rung
Villagers cannot be traded with during a raid
Wandering traders do not resupply trades and will despawn when out of trades
Maps can now be locked by using glass panes on the Cartography Table
Locked maps do not update to reflect explored areas or changes in the world. Unexplored areas will remain unexplored
Locked maps cannot be extended but can still be copied
Fixed the *Цензура* from the previous beta that could occur when re-joining a world while the Ender Dragon was in view
Fixed a *Цензура* that occurred when opening the chest inside a taiga village Fletcher's workplace
Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
Fixed the black screen that appeared after a suspend/resume on Android devices
Template worlds using custom villager trades no lo longer *Цензура* the game
Fixed a *Цензура* that occurred when using invalid characters on signs (MCPE-41671)
Теги: майнкрафт пе новая версия mcpe
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